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The Trend of Government

In 1787 a group of real statesmen of great physical vigor, mental acumen, thorough knowledge, practical wisdom, far-sighted vision and moral courage assembled in Philadelphia and after months of discussion and deliberation produced the Constitution which provided for the republic of the United States of America.

These men were equal to the opportunity, rose to the occasion, and builded better than they knew; for they established the golden mean and evolved the standard form of government.

Following the adoption of the Constitution and the founding of the republic of the United States of America there began the first great era of progress governmentally that the world had ever known.

We began to solve problems and to secure privileges that had baffled philosophers and statesmen for ages. Within a century we had secured all of the seven fundamental privileges for which government is primarily organized. We developed a larger galaxy of great statesmen (because they were thinking and working along standard lines) than has been developed by all other governments in the history of mankind. We organized into a splendid and loyal citizenship people of many nationalities, coming to our shores with varying ambitions and ideals. We