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The attitude of democracy toward property is communistic or socialistic. This negates property rights and results in chaos, mobmindedness and riot, finally terminating in destruction of the very property itself.

The attitude of the republic toward property is that of individual ownership, resulting in thrift, respect for law, individual rights, and orderly, sensible, economic procedure.

The attitude of autocracy toward law is that the will of the royal ruler shall prevail, regardless of reason or consequences.

The attitude of democracy toward law is that the will of the majority shall prevail, regardless of whether it be based upon deliberation or is governed by passion, prejudice and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences.

The attitude of the republic toward law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence and with strict regard to consequences.

There is no such thing as a representative democracy. To use that expression is equivalent to speaking of a "temperate drunkard." The very essence of democracy is that the people speak direct. There is no such thing as a "democratic republic." To use that expression is equivalent to speaking of "gluttonous nourishment." The very