Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/69

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An' then there come the bay'nit charge;
    The blokes to left an' right
They all was cursin' fine an' large,
    But I keep mum, an' fight.
I plunks a Square-'ead in the wind,
"Annoying fellow! There!" I grinned.

With that, a great, big 'ulkin' chap,
    Comes at me with a sword—
(The thing I needed in that scrap
    Was just one little word).
"Haw! You—you person—" I begun,
But, while I talks, he gets in one.

Fair in the neck I got that swipe,
    An' crumbles in a heap;
An' starts to think the time is ripe
    To 'ave a long, deep sleep.
"You are intensely rude," I said.
An' so, they leaves me there fer dead.

They invaleeds me 'ome, although
    The wound gives me no cares.
The cause of my complaint, I know,
    Was bottlin' up me swears
Congestion of them "Damns" denied;
It made me feel all swelled inside.