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[essay xxx

to preserve Health. But it is a safer Conclusion to say,—This agreeth not well with me, therefore I will not continue it, Then this; I finde no offence of this[1], therefore I may use it. For Strength of Nature in youth passeth over many Excesses which are owing a Man till his Age[2]. Discerne[3] of the comming on of Yeares, and thinke not to doe the same Things still[4]; For Age will not be Defied. Beware of sudden Change in any great point of Diet, and if necessity inforce it, fit the rest to it[5]. For it is a Secret, both in Nature and State[6], That it is safer to change Many Things then one. Examine thy Customes of Diet, Sleepe, Exercise, Apparell, and the like; And trie, in any Thing thou shalt iudge hurtfull, to discontinue it by little and little; But so as[7] if thou doest finde any Inconvenience by the Change, thou come backe to it againe: For it is hard to distinguish that which is generally held good and wholesome from that which is good particularly[8] and fit for thine owne Body. To be free minded[9] and cheerefully disposed, at Houres of Meat[10] and of Sleep and of Exercise, is one of the best Precepts of Long lasting[11]. As for the Passions and Studies[12] of the Minde, Avoid Envie, Anxious Feares, Anger fretting inwards, Subtill and knottie Inquisitions[13], loyes and Exhilarations in Excesse, Sadnesse not Communicated. Entertaine Hopes; Mirth rather then Ioy; Varietie of Delights rather then Surfet of them; Wonder and Admiration, and therefore Novelties; Studies that fill the Minde with Splendide and Illustrious Obiects, as Histories, Fables, and Contemplations of Nature. If you flie Physicke in Health altogether, it will be too strange for your Body when you shall need it. If you make it too familiar, it will worke no Extraordinary Effect when Sicknesse commeth. I commend[14] rather some Diet for certaine Seasons then frequent Use of Physicke, Except it be growen into a Custome.

  1. This does me no harm
  2. which a man will have to pay for in his old age
  3. Take heed
  4. always
  5. adapt your habits to it
  6. politics
  7. in such a way that
  8. in your own case
  9. free from anxiety
  10. meal-times
  11. for long life
  12. desires
  13. inquiries
  14. recommend