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Annex E

Papadopoulos, L., 2010. Sexualisation of young people review, Crown Copyright

Phoenix, A., 201 1. Review of recent literature for the Bailey Review of Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood, Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre.

Pitt, J., 2010. A tangled web: Marketing to children. Consumer Focus [Online.]—tangled—web—for—web.pdf [Accessed on 11 May 2011]

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Russell, R. and Tyle, M., 2005. Branding and Bricolage: Gender, consumption and transition. Childhood, Vol 12 (2): pp.221—237

Scott, S. and Jackson, S., 2004. SexualAntinomies in Late Modernity, Sexualities. 7.2, pp. 233-248

Scottish Parliament, 201 1. Compliance with guidelines on the display of sexually graphic magazines, research paper [Online.]—O8/Research_report_final.pdf [Accessed on 11 May 2011]

Statham, j., Mooney, A., Phoenix, A., 2011. Commercialisation and premature sexualisation of children: regulatory frameworks in selected international countries, Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre.

Stecklow, S., 2010. On the Web, Children Face Intensive Tracking. Wall Streetjournal, 17 September 2010 [Online.] [Accessed on 11 May 2011]

Teenage Magazine Arbitration Panel, 2011. [Online.] [Accessed on 11 May 2011]

TNS Omnibus Survey, 2011. Survey of parents of children aged 5-16 in the UK and of children and young people aged 7-16 in Great Britain for the Bailey Review [Online.]

UK Council for Child Internet Safety [Online.] [Accessed on 11 May 2011]