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The Apostasy of the Banu-Walîʿah

Labîd and al-Muhâjir who sent him to abu-Bakr. The latter favored him by giving to him in marriage his sister umm-Farwah,[1] daughter of abu-Ḳuḥâfah, who later gave birth to Muḥammad, Isḥâḳ, Ḳuraibah, Ḥubâbah and Jaʿdah. According to others, abu-Bakr gave him in marriage his sister Ḳuraibah; and when he married her, he came to the market, and every slaughtered camel he saw, he cut its two heel-tendons, paid its price and gave it to the people to eat. After living in al-Madînah, he set out on a razzia to Syria and al-ʿIrâḳ. His death took place at al-Kûfah where his funeral service was conducted by al-Ḥasan ibn-ʿAli ibn-abi-Ṭâlib, after the latter had been reconciled with Muʿâwiyah. This al-Ashʿath was surnamed abu-Muḥammad and nicknamed "ʿUrf an-Nâr" [the fire-crest].

The insurrection of the banu-Walîʿah and al-Ashʿath. According to other reports, the banu-Walîʿah apostatized before the Prophet's death. When Ziyâd ibn-Labîd heard of his death, he called the people to swear allegiance to abu-Bakr, which they all did with the exception of the banu-Walîʿah. Ziyâd fell upon them in the night time and killed them. Al-Ashʿath apostatized and fortified himself in an-Nujair where he was besieged by Ziyâd ibn-Labîd and al-Muhâjir who joined hands against him. Abu-Bakr sent ʿIkrimah ibn-abi-Jahl, after his departure from ʿUmân, to reinforce them; but on his arrival, an-Nujair was already reduced. Abu-Bakr requested the Moslems to share the booty with him, which they did.

Ath-Thabjâʾ and Hind severely punished. It is reported that certain women at an-Nujair having rejoiced at the death of the Prophet, abu-Bakr wrote ordering that their hands and feet be cut off. Among these women were ath-Thabjâʾ al-Ḥaḍramîyah, and Hind, daughter of Yamîn, the Jewess.

  1. Cf. Ṭabari, vol. i, p. 2012.