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came Rauḥ ibn-Ḥâtim al-Muhallabi, Khuzaimah ibn-Khâzim, Yazîd ibn-Mazyad ash-Shaibâni, ʿUbaidallâh ibn-al-Mahdi, al-Faḍl ibn-Yaḥya, Saʿîd ibn-Sâlim, and Muḥammad ibn-Yazîd ibn-Mazyad. Of these rulers, Khuzaimah was the severest. It was he who introduced the system by which Dabîl and an-Nashawa paid land tax according to the area, not the produce. The Armenian patricians did not cease to hold their lands as usual, each trying to protect his own region; and whenever a ʿâmil came to the frontier they would coax him; and if they found in him purity and severity, as well as force and equipment, they would give the kharâj and render submission, otherwise they would deem him weak and look down upon him.

The governorship of Khâlid ibn-Yazîd. In the caliphate of al-Maʾmûn, the Armenian patricians were under the rule of Khâlid ibn-Yazîd ibn-Mazyad, who accepted their presents and associated personally with them. This corrupted them and encouraged them against the ʿâmils of al-Maʿmûn who came after him.

Al-Ḥasan ibn-ʿAli over the frontier region. Al-Muʿtaṣim-Billâh appointed to the governorship of the frontier region al-Ḥasan ibn-ʿAli-l-Bâdhaghisi, better known as al-Maʿmûni, who let its patricians and nobles go their way, and dealt so leniently with them that they became more disloyal to the Sultan and more severe on the people who came under their rule. Jurzân was subdued by Isḥâḳ ibn-Ismâʿîl ibn-Shuʿaib, a freedman of the banu-Umaiyah. Sahl ibn-Sanbâṭ, the patrician, rose against the ʿâmil of Ḥaidar ibn-Kâwus al-Afshîn over Armenia and killed his secretary and had a narrow escape by flight. Armenia after this was ruled by ʿâmils who would remit to its people what was due from them, and accept whatever kharâj could be offered.

The governorship of Yûsuf ibn-Muḥammad. Two years