Page:Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads (1892).djvu/140

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‘There’s a girl in Jersey City who works on the telephone;
‘We’re going to hitch our horses and dig for a house of our own,
‘With gas and water connections, and steam heat through to the top;
‘And, W. Hohenzollern, I guess I shall work till I drop.’

And an English delegate thundered: ‘The weak an’ the lame be blowed!
‘I’ve a berth in the Sou’-West workshops, a home in the Wandsworth Road;
‘And till the ’sociation has footed my buryin’ bill,
‘I work for the kids an’ the missus. Pull up! I’ll be damned if I will!’

And over the German benches the bearded whisper ran:—
‘Lager, der girls und der dollars, dey makes or dey breaks a man.
‘If Schmitt haf collared der dollars, he collars der girl deremit;
‘But if Schmitt bust in der pizness, we collars der girl from Schmitt.’