Page:Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads (1892).djvu/191

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’Ave you ’eard o’ the Widow at Windsor
With a hairy gold crown on ’er ’ead?
She ’as ships on the foam—she ’as millions at ’ome,
An’ she pays us poor beggars in red.
  (Ow, poor beggars in red!)
There’s ’er nick on the cavalry ’orses,
There’s ’er mark on the medical stores—
An’ ’er troopers you’ll find with a fair wind be’ind
That takes us to various wars.
  (Poor beggars!—barbarious wars!)

    Then ’ere’s to the Widow at Windsor,
     An’ ’ere’s to the stores an’ the guns,
    The men an’ the ’orses what makes up the forces
     O’ Missis Victorier’s sons.
      (Poor beggars! Victorier’s sons!)