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SHAKESPEARE’S ENGLAND. New Edition, revised and enlarged. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

“He offers something more than guidance to the American traveller. He is a convincing and eloquent interpreter of the august memories and venerable sanctities of the old country.”—Saturday Review.

“The book is delightful reading. . . . It is a delicious view of England which this poet takes. It is indeed the noble, hospitable, merry, romance-haunted England of our fathers—the England which we know of in song and story.”—Scribner’s Monthly.

GRAY DAYS AND GOLD. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

“Is as friendly and good-humoured a book on English scenes as any American has written since Washington Irving.”—Daily News, London.

“They who have never visited the scenes which Mr. Winter so charmingly describes will be eager to do so in order to realise his fine descriptions of them, and they who have already visited them will be incited by his eloquent recital of their attractions to repeat their former pleasant experiences.”—Public Ledger, Philadelphia.

WANDERERS: A Collection of Poems. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents.

“Free from cant and rant—clear cut as a cameo, pellucid as a mountain-brook. It may be derided as trite, borné, unimpassioned; but in its own modest sphere it is, to our thinking, extraordinarily successful, and satisfies us far more than the pretentious mouthing which receives the seal of over-hasty approbation.”—Athenæum.

THE PRESS AND THE STAGE. An Oration by William Winter. Delivered before the Goethe Society, at the Brunswick Hotel, New York, January 28, 1889. Printed on hand-made paper. 8vo. $1.50.

In the PressSHADOWS OF THE STAGE. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents.