Page:Ballads of battle (IA balladsofbattle00leejiala).pdf/16

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And as I came by St. Mary's Tower,
The old, solemn bell struck ten,
And back to me echoed the memory
Of my boyhood days again:
Musing I turned me East about
To the haunt of my fellow-men.

There were some that walked, and some that talked,
Beneath the old Arcade,
And for comfort I elbowed among the throng
And hearkened to what they said.

Some were that talked, and some that walked
By one, by two, by three;
And some there were who spake my name
As though they lovéd me.

And some who said, "Might he but return
When this weary war is spent!
And it moved me much that their thought was such,
And I turned me well content.