Page:Ballads of battle (IA balladsofbattle00leejiala).pdf/20

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Might lie out at one's leisure, and sit up at one's ease,
And not be butted in the back by t'other fellow's knees;
Of such a goodly fashion were the plans the builder laid,
And even so the dug-out that Macfarlane made.

He shored it up with timber, and he roofed it in with tin
Torn from the battered boxes that they bring the biscuits in
(He even used the biscuits, but he begs I should not state
The number that he took for tiles, the number that he ate!)—
He shaped it, and secured it to withstand the tempest's shocks―
(I know he stopped one crevice with the latest gift of socks!)—
He trimmed it with his trenching-tool, and slapped it with his spade
A marvel was the dug-out that Macfarlane made.