Page:Ballou - Practical Christian Socialism.djvu/11

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The author desires that this book should be read and thoroughly studied by all who are capable of appreciating it. It was not written to amuse the votaries of light literature, but to instruct susceptible and ingenuous minds. It is commended to honest, earnest, patient, discriminating, comprehensive thinkers, who are endeavoring to be judicious, uncompromising, indomitable workers for humanity. It is the fruit of patient reflection and ripe experience. It is not perfect, and will hereafter be improved; but it is worthy of all the consideration solicited in its behalf. It claims to be an Exposition of The True System of Human Society; and such it is. It presents, theoretically, a complete Social Superstructure, from foundation to pinnacle. Let friend and foe inspect every part of it critically.

The Work naturally divided itself into Three Parts, and was executed accordingly. Part I. exhibits the foundation of the System; its grand cardinal principles of Theological Truth, Personal Righteousness, and Social Order; all which are accurately defined, clearly illustrated, substantially proved, and consistently applied. Part II. develops the Constitutional Polity of the System in all its outlines and with reference to every necessary detail. Part III. shows its Superiority to other Systems—to the old and prevailing order of society, Fourierism, Owenism, Shakerism, Noyesism, Individual Sovereigntyism &c. Every important idea involved in the vast subject of Practical Christian Socialism has received more or less atten-