Page:Ballou - Practical Christian Socialism.djvu/17

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ligious and illiberal; with others the reverse. Some will deem its theology too orthodox; others too heterodox. Some will object to its creedlike Declarations and iron-bedstead tests; others to its want of external ordinances, ceremonies and forms. Some will revolt at its asceticism; others at its too great conformity to the world. Some will dislike its uncompromising Non-Resistance and non-participation in sword-sustained governments; others its spiritual and moral intolerance—its discipline and disfellowship of evil doers. Some will think it too Individualistic; others too Communistic. All these differences will develop themselves as matters of course. Be it so. Let each class of dissenters stand aloof from our Republic and experiment to their heart's content on their own wiser systems. It is their right to do so uninjured, at their own cost. It is desirable that they should do so, in order that it may be demonstrated as soon as possible which the true social system is. When the radically defective have failed, there will be a harmonious concentration of all the true and good around the Practical Christian Standard. Meantime the author confides this Cause calmly to the guidance, guardianship and benediction of God, even that heavenly Father who once manifested his divine excellency in Jesus Christ, and who ever manifests himself through the Christ- Spirit to all upright souls. He sincerely believes the movement to have been originated and thus far supervised by that Holy Spirit. He is confident that well appointed ministering angels have watched over it, and will never cease to do so. This strong confidence has sustained him from the beginning, under all temporary discouragements, and now animates him with unwavering hopes for the future. The Hopedale Community, the first constituent body of the new social order, commenced