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you miss us? Where’s Ardelia?” all in a breath. The Professor smiled.

“Question one, I am well. Two, I cannot say that I have been lonesome. Three, I did not miss you. Four, Ardelia is in the kitchen. How are you, Jarvis?” he added as his son-in-law appeared.

“I am well, sir. I trust you are the same.”

“Thank you. I enjoy good health.”

“Stop it! Sounds like the first aid to manners. Here’s Ardelia. Well, how do you do?”

Ardelia’s face was decorated with a most expansive grin.

“Howdy, Miss Bambi? Howdy, Massa Jarvis? I sho'r am glad to see you folks home again.” She shook hands with both of them.

“How’s everything, Ardelia?”

“All right, Miss. Eberything is all right. We got ‘long fine together, the Perfessor and me. We des went about forgettin’ eberyting and habin’ a mighty comfortable time. Did you all have a good time on your honeymoon?”

“Fine,” said Bambi. “We brought you some presents, that will make your eyes ache, and, ’Delia, we’re famished.”

“Dog’s foot! Heah I stan’ a-gassin’ and a-talkin’