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you up. Until you get started, you will have to do a great many things you will not like, but if I were a man, I would never let any obstacles down me.”

“When can I get a train?” meekly.

“You can take the same train we took before, to-morrow morning.”

A great light broke for Jarvis.

“I can’t go. I haven’t any money.”

“I have. I’ll lend it to you.”

“I must owe you thousands now.”

“Not quite. We can do this all right.”

“Have you got it all down?”

“In the Black Maria,” she nodded.

So the long and the short of it was that Jarvis went off to New York again. No martyr ever approached the stake with a more saddened visage than he turned upon Bambi as the train pulled out. She waved her hand at him, smiling pleasantly, but he was sorrowful to the last glimpse.

“Poor old baby!” she laughed. “He shall stay in New York a while. He is getting too dependent on mamma.”

She really welcomed his absence. It gave her so much more time for her own work, which absorbed