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“I don’t see why you don’t ‘fess’ up, now that the thing is an established success.”

“No, not yet. It’s such a lovely secret. I want to wait for just the moment to spring it on them.”

“Couldn’t you invite me in when that moment comes?”

“We’ll see. I may invite the neighbours in, and crown myself with a laurel wreath.”

“I’d rely on your doing it in a novel way.”

“The surest way of being considered eccentric is just to be yourself. So few of us have the nerve.”

They talked late. He told her his plans and hopes for the magazine. He spoke of his people, of his past life, of his preparation for his work, and when the clock finally interrupted with twelve strokes, they arose, nearer friends than ever.

After Strong’s departure Bambi wrote Jarvis to prepare him for the friendly visit:

“You’ll remember Richard Strong, the brother of Maryland and the thirteen sisters? He came to spend the weekend with us, and expressed such disappointment at your absence that I gave him your address so he could look you up. Do be nice to him. I am sure you will like him when you get to know him. He is a fine, sensible fellow. He might find something for you to do on a magazine, if you wanted