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BAMBINA PARKHURST was a young woman not much given to wrath, but as she read the two letters from New York she grew thoroughly enraged at Jarvis. Evidently, he had been exceedingly rude to Mr. Strong, and evidently Mr. Strong had been exceedingly annoyed. She was so furious at him that when she sat down to her desk to write her daily chapters no ideas came. Her mind just went over and over the situation of kind Mr. Strong putting himself out to be polite for her sake—Jarvis, stiff and ill-mannered, repulsing him. She determined to omit the daily letter to the offender until she cooled off. She gave up work for the morning and descended upon Ardelia.

“Ardelia, I am so mad I can’t think of anything to do but put up fruit.”

“Law, Miss Bambi, you ain’t mad wif me, is you?”

“No. I’m mad with man.”

“Man! Wat’s the Perfessor bin doin’? Has he don’ forgot somfin’?"