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“Trusting that we may work together to a successful end, I am


The Author.

“P.S. For private reasons I prefer to remain unknown to you. You can always reach me through Mr. Frohman’s office. You must forgive typed letters.”

This she sent to the Frohman office, with a request that it be forwarded. The next day brought Jarvis’s news:

Dear Bambi: For three days I have resisted the constant temptation to send you word of what seemed to be extraordinarily good news, but many disappointments have made me a doubting Thomas, so I held off until I was really sure. To begin at the beginning, I was at the lowest ebb of disgust with myself last week for my inability to get in step with the grand march. Only a fool can be excused for failure, and I am not that. So a summons from the Frohman office somewhat restored my self-respect. It seems that Mr. Frohman has never forgotten my previous interview, so when he decided to make a play of a popular novel entitled ‘Francesca,’ he immediately thought of me.

“Of course this is not the kind of play I want to do, so I said I would look over the book and if I liked it I would have a try at it. The long and the short of it is I have accepted. The woman who wrote the thing