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himself a valuable friend and not an undesired lover, but his want of her was great, and his fury at Jarvis’s indifference white hot. She caught his set look.


He turned his eyes on her.

“You’re tired of me. I won’t talk any more.”

He drew her hand through his arm, and held her there.

“Don’t say that sort of thing, please; it isn’t fair.”

“Take it back.”

The Lafayette filled her with excitement. They had a table on a raised balcony overlooking the main dining-room. Richard pointed out celebrities, bowed to many friends, talked charming personalities. A feast of Lucullus was served them. Music and wine and excitement bewitched Bambi. She sparkled and laughed. She capped his every sally with a quick retort. She was totally different from the girl-boy who had walked downtown beside him.

“What are you thinking about me?” she challenged him, her head tipped back provokingly.

“Daughter of Joy!”

“I have spent a very pleasant fortnight with you, Richard!”

“Has it seemed that long?”