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He laughed.

“You are an amusing mite. Queer I never noticed you before.”

“You’ll like me, if you continue to be aware of me. I’m nice,” she laughed up at him, and he smiled back.

“How do you intend to make this fortune, may I ask?”

“I haven’t decided yet. Of course I can dance. If worst came to worst, I can make a big salary dancing.”

“Dancing?” he exploded.

“Yes, didn’t you ever hear of it? With the feet, you know, and the body, and the eyes, and the arms. So!”

She twirled about him in a circle, like a gay little figurine. He watched her, fascinated.

“You can dance, can’t you?”

“I can. At times I am quite inspired. Now, if you and the Professor will be sensible, and let me go to New York and take a job, I could support us all in luxury. You could write and he could figure.”

“I don’t see that it is any business of ours what you do, but I certainly won’t let you support me.”

“Do you really mean it isn’t your business?”