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“That isn’t wise, my dear. I am sure to go to sleep.”

“We’ll see that you don’t,” she laughed.

“I’ve never heard a play read aloud that I can remember,” said the Professor.

“You will probably be very irritating, then. Don’t interrupt me. If you fumble things, or make a noise, I’ll stop.”

“That knowledge helps some,” retorted the Professor, with a twinkle. “If I can’t stand it, I’ll whistle.”

“Be quiet,” said his daughter. “Go ahead, Jarvis.”

“What is this play supposed to be about?” Professor Parkhurst inquired.

“The title is ‘Success.’ It is about a woman who sold herself for success, and paid with her soul.”

“Is it a comedy?”

“Good Lord, no! I don’t try to make people laugh. I make them think.”

“Go ahead.”

“Don’t interrupt again, father.”

Jarvis began to read, nervously at first, then with greater confidence. He read intelligently, but without dramatic value, and Bambi longed to seize the