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A SERMON Preach'd

Christ, by excluding out of it every thing inconsistent with His being King, Law-giver and Judge; as well as with the Nature of His Laws, and of His promises and Threatnings. I will only make Two or Three Observations, grounded upon this: And so conclude. And

1. From what hath been said it is very plain, in general, that the Grossest Mistakes in Judgment, about the Nature of Christ's Kingdom, or Church, have arisen from hence, that Men have argued from Other visible Societies, and Other Visible Kingdoms of this World, to what ought to be Visible, and Sensible, in His Kingdom: Constantly leaving out of their Notion, the most Essential Part of it, that Christ is King in his own Kingdom; for getting this King himself, because He is not now seen by mortal Eyes; and Substituting Others in his Place, as Law-givers and Judges, in the same Points, in which He must either Alone, or not at all, be Law-giver and Judge; not contented with such a Kingdom as He established, and desires to reign in; but ur-ging