Page:Barbour--For the freedom from the seas.djvu/284

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"Right" The lieutenant-commander swung about in his swivel chair and scrutinized Nelson swiftly. "You are trainer of Number Four gun crew?"

"Yes, sir."

"You are mentioned in the Gunnery Officer's report, Troy. Tell me what happened yesterday morning on your station."

"The enemy got a five-inch shell into us, sir, about thirty feet forward of Number Four gun. The explosion killed two of our crew, Hoskins and Maynard, and wounded our division officer and four men."

"I see. Your gun captain was wounded, too, wasn't he?"

"Yes, sir, but he's doing finely."

"After that shell came aboard you were minus six of your number then: plugman, pointer, two shellmen——"

"Sight setter, sir, and one powderman."

"What happened then?"

Nelson hesitated. "The injured were removed, sir——"

"The gun was not damaged?"

"Firing circuit was broken, but we got that repaired pretty quick."

"I see." The Executive Officer glanced at a