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express the desire to go to New York with dollars, but 'two three' would n't carry you very far there, Jim."

The Kanaka, who had worked wonders on that sum in Manila, was coldly incredulous.

"What would you do when you got there?" Dave asked.

Again Jim smiled happily. The prospect was evidently one which he had treasured in his moments of leisure while basking on various islands in the South Seas.

"Wear clothes like um other peoples," he said, "and ride in um trolley-cars."

"And stop there always?" Tempest suggested.

The Kanaka shook his head slowly, now watching another gull skim the water.

"Just for a bit while," he said, "then p'raps come back here or some other place."

"He's got the New York fever," Tempest laughed, "but it is the most comical case I ever heard of. I expect New York would soon cure