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by lying there in the sun. If you would be so kind as to allow us to use her for a while, I 'll make her seaworthy for you."

"Don't know as I want her made seaworthy," the man replied. "She's comfortable enough lying where she is."

"I'm sorry we can't offer to pay for it in advance, Mr. Cresswell," Dave said, "but I 'll give you my word that the money shall be sent to you sooner or later."

Cresswell laughed. Something about the notion seemed to amuse him. He scrutinized the boy carefully for a few moments.

"Hang me if I don't put you to the test, youngster," he said. "Ten dollars a day is what I 'll charge you, and you 're to make good anything that gets broken. And if you find she's sinking and you 're going to drown, don't annoy me by throwing farewell messages overboard in bottles."

Before Dave or Tempest had time to thank him