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axes, shovels, and a few simple cooking utensils were placed on board.

"I'm afraid we have n't got much in the way of navigating instruments," Tempest said, "but Jim will help us to worry through. This pocket-compass of mine is fairly accurate, and with our old chart we ought to manage all right. Heigho! I 've known amateur yachtsmen who'd be scared to death at the idea of making the trip that is in front of us without a sextant, chronometer, patent log, barometer, dividers, and parallel rulers, besides compass and charts. Never mind, it's a comfort to reflect that you can only be drowned once. Dave, my son, we 're in for it now. A life on the ocean wave, eh? In my time I 've done some funny things, but I never before set out in a cockle-shell like ours, with one boy and a Kanaka, looking for lost treasure. Well, we 're ready now," he added, as they placed the last beaker of fresh water in the Nautilus. I only