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"Well, since we have put it into words, what about it?"

There was a steely glitter in the boy's eyes which Tempest had never seen there. The same glitter had come once or twice before, when Dave suddenly found himself in danger or when faced with apparently insurmountable obstacles, just as it had come into the eyes of his father and his grandfather on similar occasions.

"There is no sign of the Firefly," agreed Tempest. "I wonder if the old villain is trying to beat us to it."

"Now I come to think of it,*' said Dave, "he never could look one straight in the face. Tempest, I 've got my suspicions!"

"And so have I, Dave," Tempest replied, now thoroughly strung up. "The longer we hang around here, the better start he has. Fortunately, the wind has n't been in the right quarter to please him all day. Come on, Dave," he added, already