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again, and a splinter jumped into the air from the gunwale of the Nautilus.

"You murderous old crook," shouted Dave.

"That's nothing. I'm only finding the range," Flagg said with a mirthless laugh, as the rifle spoke once more.

"It's no use committing suicide," muttered Tempest, swinging the boat round. "Good afternoon, Mr. Flagg. I hope you will take great care of your health until I see you again. I'm afraid you 're not exactly in training, so I shall anticipate the pleasure of giving you the biggest walloping you ever had when I wade into you."

Flagg's reply, as the Nautilus began to gather speed, was another shot which ricochetted past.

"All right," Tempest shouted back over his shoulder. "You 're only storing up trouble for yourself."

"Is n't he a nice, kind-hearted gentleman?" commented Dave. "Let's try to land somewhere on the other side of the island."