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neck and his clothing sticking to him uncomfortably, bewildered, and more than a little tired, Dave began to wonder for the first time whether treasure-hunting such as this was worth the trouble. The chance of success was extremely vague, anyway; and the difficulties immediately in front of them were sufficient to damp the ardor of any one. He almost felt at that moment that he could barter his share of the problematical treasure for a square meal and a sleep round the clock, in his own comfortable bed in far-away Brooklyn. He was fast becoming despondent when Bruce Tempest came to the rescue with his wonderful fund of cheerfulness.

"You 're very quiet, sonny," he said. "I can't see you, but you don't sound as though you were enjoying this."

"It's exciting, anyway," said Dave.

"I 'll wager you never got anything at the movies that thrilled you as much," Tempest declared. "Everything is real, this trip, including