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"I 've no time for fool talk," the other jerked back. "What have you got to say to me?"

"We just thought we should like to know how you are progressing."

"That's my business," Flagg snapped.

"Our business, if you don't mind," Tempest corrected. "And really it is very generous of me to include you like that. Anyhow, I'm willing to make one last offer to you. Let us work together on this job, and forget any unpleasantness there may have been, and split the proceeds into three."

"You 're in a nice position to dictate terms to me, are n't you?" Flagg sneered. "No, there is only one thing I will agree to."

"And that is?"

"I 've got your boat and your grub. I did n't ask you to come here. You can starve to death for all I care. You will do that pretty soon. The only alternative is that I 'll give your boat back to you if you clear right out."