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hard wood, encircled with solid bands of iron which had almost rusted through in places. The woodwork was in a fair state of preservation.

"It's the treasure—it's the treasure!" Dave sang out gleefully.

"Well, if it isn't, it ought to be," said Tempest, trying in vain to prize off one of the metal bands with his shovel. "Jim, streak to the Nautilus for an ax—a couple of axes—a dozen—before I burst!"

The Kanaka shot across the water in the dory, and returned in a few minutes.

Even with the aid of an ax it was not easy to burst the chest open, for there were hinges and a lock to force, beside the iron bands.

At last, with a creak, the lid was lifted, and Dave and Tempest stared at the contents of the box, fascinated.

Lying neatly stacked in rows were bars and bars of silvery-white metal which, in spite of their long