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he judged that they were on one of the main Indian trails leading from the coast inland. These were well-trod paths over which one might easily ride on horseback, as the settlers had discovered. But they were far from level as often leading over a hill as around it, and the boy’s body was presently sore and his lungs hot and dry. He thought they must have covered a good twelve miles, and was convinced that he could go but a little way farther. The proddings at his back came frequently now, and he was bidden “quog quosh!” or “more fast!” But even threats failed at last and David stumbled and sank to the ground and closed his eyes deliciously. Again they raised him, the one in command striking him harshly with the butt of his musket. David felt the blow, but was dead to the pain of it and toppled again to earth the instant they released him.

“You no sleep! You make hurry more fast. No can lie down. You walk-walk or me kill!”

“Matta,” muttered David. “Naut seam.” (“No, very tired.”)

“You want kill?” demanded the Indian angrily. “You want be dead, stay here all-time?”