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Monapikot is a true and tried friend of the Colony, more trusted than any other of his race. Indeed, never since the days of the Pequot War has there been known a spy of such courage and wisdom.”

“A spy! Pikot a spy?

“Aye, does it surprise you so?”

“I had not thought,” stammered David. “And it sorrows me. Always I have thought of a spy as one base and mean and unworthy, and to think so of Monapikot—”

“A spy is base only when he be apprehended,” replied Nathan Lindall dryly. “Is it right to call one mean who takes far greater risks than any other and for no more return? He who fights in open combat may look for honorable treatment if captured, but the spy well knows that speedy death is aught he may win in such case. Nay, David, Monapikot deserves your praise and not your censure. No better nor more useful friend have the English to-day, for his ways of learning what we would know are many and marvelous. For several years he has served the Colony and never yet has he failed at aught he has been set to do. I hold it a miracle that he has so far escaped, for a dozen times has he put his head in the lion’s