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the granary came some dark object that puzzled all who gazed. But in another moment, when the flickering light from a nearby conflagration fell upon it, it was revealed as a cart piled high with hemp and flax and such like combustibles. Already fire was licking it with red tongues. In what manner it was propelled was a mystery at first. Then, as it came nearer, it was seen that the Indians had spliced many long poles together, and so, from the shelter of the darkness and shadows beyond, were pushing it backwards toward the building.

“An that thing reaches us we be doomed,” muttered Nathan Lindall, resting his cheek to his musket as he peered forth.

“I see none to aim at, father,” said David.

“Nor I, forsooth! The villains have found them a pretty strategy!”

“There’s naught for it save to charge forth and upset the cart ere it touches the house!” cried one. “Else we shall be roasted alive here!”

At that instant a great clap of thunder burst overhead that shook the earth and for the instant silenced the uneasy clatter of tongues. Then silence once more, a silence