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Then Joe be chief. How your father, David?”

“Well, I thank you; and so is Obid.”

Joe Tanopet scowled and spat.

“Um little man talk foolish, no good. You see fire last night?”

“Aye. Father and Obid Dawkin went to give aid, but the flames were out when they reached Master Vernham’s. They say that the fire was set, Joe.”


“They suspect some Indians who have been living near the Beaver Pond,” continued David questioningly.

Joe Tanopet shook his head. “Not Beaver Pond people.”

“Who then, Joe?”

“Maybe Manitou make fire,” replied the Indian evasively.

“Man or two, rather,” laughed David. “Anyhow, father and Obid have gone to Sudbury where they are to confer with others, and I fear it may go hard with the Beaver Pond Indians. How do you know that they did not set the fire, Joe?”

“Me know. You tell father me say.”

“Aye, but with no more proof than that I fear ’twill make little difference,” answered