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“What, then?” prompted Nathan Lindall as the boy hesitated.

“Why, then, sir, I would go forth to-morrow and seek service with those who fight for the safety of the Colonies. Nor would I wish to lay aside my musket until this murderous Philip be driven north or slain.”

“Well said!” cried Master Vernham. “A lad after my own heart, Nathan Lindall! You’ll not say him nay, I warrant.”

“He shall have his way,” replied the host gravely. “Though he knows it not, ’tis arranged already. Three days from now Monapikot travels south to the Narragansett country on a mission you may surmise, Master Vernham, and ’tis arranged that David shall accompany him. There may be less fighting than he craves, but he will be in good hands and what he performs will be of service to the Colony.”

“’Tis true, father?” cried David eagerly. “’Tis true, Straight Arrow?”

The Pegan smiled. “Aye, ’tis true, Noawama. We take the trail together, you and I. Danger there will be, though. Wilt brave it?”

“Try me!” answered David. “With you I’ll brave aught that comes!”