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of this reason to travel swiftly from his mountain home and make pillage. But ’tis more likely that he will send a few young men eager to win honor by returning with English scalps. Go not abroad alone, David, and see that the house be well secured at nightfall. The Wachoosetts are forest Indians and swift and sly, and I fear for your safety. It would be well to travel back in company with another, or else to take a party of Indians with you and see that they are armed with guns. Should Woosonametipom’s braves learn of your journey, I fear they would make the most of it. I would I could stay by you, but I must go on my way at once.”

“But surely they would not dare their deviltry so near the plantations!”

“Who knows?” Monapikot lapsed into the Indian tongue, which David understood a little and could speak haltingly to the extent of being understood. “The fox takes the goose where he finds him.”

“Then I will be no goose, Straight Arrow, but rather the dog who slays the fox,” laughed David.

Pikot smiled faintly. “You will ever be Noawama, He Who Laughs, my brother.