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“Aye, that be true. What disposition, think you, will be made of that Nausauwah that we took prisoner to Boston?”

“I know not. Perchance ’twere best for our heads were he set free with a fine, since, from what I make of it, this Metipom’s quarrel with us is on his account.”

William Vernham shook his head stoutly.

“Nay, that were truckling with the villains. Rather shall I beg the Governor to hang the wastrel on Gallows Hill as soon as may be. ’Tis not fair dealing that the savages require, but harshness. They construe justice to be weakness in their heathen ignorance.” He continued in like vein, so finally working off his anger. Then: “What think you of this, Neighbor Lindall?” he asked at length. “Will these skulking devils try to burn our houses about our heads or pick us off the while we toil in the fields?”

“Perchance no more will come of it,” was the answer. “As I understand the sachem’s meaning, he bids us release his son or else our lives will be forfeit. Having sent his message he must wait a time for our answer. An he wait long enough his petty quarrel will be as but a flea-bite in the greater trouble that will be upon us.”