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around there for a week trying to get someone to grub-stake us. Finally we did manage to get another start. But we couldn't go very far on what we had and so we decided to look about nearby. You remember the old story of the man who traveled around the world looking for a four-leafed clover or something and then came back empty-handed only to find what he sought at his own door-step? It was that way with us. Lone Mesa is only a short distance from Telluride. There were a few claims being worked there when we reached it, but no one was getting rich. We looked the place over and began to scratch around and inside of a week we hit on our claim. We filed and I went to Denver and bullied a man there into lending us enough money to develop. It was late by that time, though, and the snows came, and we had to wait for spring. But in the spring we found that we were to be repaid for waiting. Now we're shipping three or four cars a day to the mills."