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"The hell you say!"

Wade nodded.

"Why, boy, you ain't never said nothin' about that! Didn't know as you savvied a woman when you see one!"

"Well, I guess it's time, Dave. I'm thirty years old and I guess I've got enough now to keep a wife on."

"Beckon you have," chuckled Dave. "Have you spotted the lady, boy?"


"You have? Well, say, you keep a pretty close mouth, you do! Why, I never seen you takin' notice none. 'Tain't Hutchins's gal, is it?"

"No, it's not Hutchins's girl, Dave. She lives here in New York; at least, I suppose she does."

"Jumpin' Jehosophat! Don't you know where she lives?" asked Dave bewilderedly.

"No. Fact is, Dave, I don't know much of anything about her yet; not even her name." Dave cast a keen glance from