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"You mean—you've gone an' fallen—"

"Fallen with a thump, old man. That's the girl I'm going to marry, the Lord willing."

"Phew!" Dave tossed his cigar away and felt for another. Not finding one in his pajamas he let his hand fall and looked helplessly at his friend. "You mean to tell me, boy, that you're in love with that girl?"

"I sure am!"

"An'—an' you don't know her? Not even her name?"

"No, I never saw her until tonight."

"Then—then—why, damn it, Wade, you can't go to a theatre an' pick out the prettiest gal there an'—an' marry her!"

"Why can't I?" asked Wade calmly.

"Why—because—how do you know she'll have you?"

"Why not? I'm all right, ain't I? I'm not deformed and I'm average good-looking and I've got plenty of money. My family's as good as there is in New York State and we've none of us been hanged. I don't say