Page:Barlaam and Josaphat. English lives of Buddha.djvu/142

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chaunged thyn honour in to vylonye/ & arte made the player of children / and he ſaid to hym yf thou wylt here of me reſon / put fro the thyn enemyes/ thenne the kyng demanded hym who were his enemyes/ & he ſaid to hym yre & couetyſe/ for they empeſſhe & lette/ that trouthe may not be ſeen/ ne to affaye prudence/ and equyte To whom the kyng ſaid/ lete it be as thou ſayeſt / & that other ſaid / the foles deſpyſe the thynges that ben/ lyke as they were not / and he that hath not the taſte of the thynges that ben / he ſhall not vſe the ſwetneſſe of them / & may not lerne the trouthe of them that been not/ and whan he had ſhewyd many thynges of the myſterye of thyncarnacion / the kynge ſayd to hym yf I had not promyſed the atte begynnynge that I ſhold put aweye yre fro my counceyl I ſholde caſte thy bodye in to the fyre / Goo thy weye and flee fro myn eyen that I ſee the nomore / & that I now dyſtreſſe the not / and anone the man of god wente his waye al heuyly / by cauſe he had not fuffred marterdom / Thus thenne in this mene whyle it happyd that the kyng whiche had noo chylde / ther was a fayr fone borne of his wyf/ and was callyd Jofaphat & the kyng afTemblyd a righte grete companye of peple for to make facrefyfe to his goddes for the natyuyte of his fone/ & alfo
