Page:Barlaam and Josaphat. English lives of Buddha.djvu/22

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The Greek Barlaam

In the great Menology of the Greek Church, under date August 26, stands the entry [μνήμη] τοῦ ὁσίου Ἰωάσαφ, υἰοῦ Ἀβενὴρ τοῦ βασιλέως.

In the Martyrologium Romanum, under date November 27, stands the entry, "Apud Indos Persis finitimos (commemoratio) sanctorum Barlaam et Josaphat, quorum ados mirandos sanctus Joannes Damascenus conscripsit."

When these entries came into the respective martyrologies is somewhat difficult to say. In the Greek Church it was not till after the tenth century, for the Menology of the Emperor Basilius contains no reference to Joasaph. In the Romish martyrologies the first mention of Josaphat among the Saints was in the Catologus Sanctorum of Peter de Natalibus (ob. 1370). It may be conjectured in the latter case that Barlaam and Josaphat owed their
