Page:Barnes (1879) Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect (combined).djvu/128

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Ah! an’ how she did like vor to deck wi’ red
Holly-berries the window an’ wold clock’s head,
An’ the clavy wi’ boughs o’ some bright green leaves,
An’ to meäke twoast an’ eäle upon Chris’mas eves;
   But she’s now, drough greäce,
   In a better pleäce,
Though we’ll never vorget her, poor soul, nor lose
Gramfer’s token ov heäir, nor her weddèn shoes.


The winter clouds, that long did hide
The zun, be all a-blown azide,
An’ in the light, noo longer dim,
Do sheen the ivy that do clim’
The tower’s zide an’ elem’s stim;
 An’ holmen bushes, in between
 The leafless thorns, be bright an’ green
  To zunsheen o’ the winter.

The trees, that yesterday did twist
In wind’s a-drevèn rain an’ mist,
Do now drow sheädes out, long an’ still;
But roarèn watervals do vill
Their whirlèn pools below the hill,
 Where, wi’ her païl upon the stile,
 A-gwaïn a-milkèn Jeäne do smile
  To zunsheen o’ the winter.

The birds do sheäke, wi’ plaÿsome skips,
The raïn-drops off the bushes’ tips,
A-chirripèn wi’ merry sound;
While over all the grassy ground
The wind’s a-whirlèn round an’ round
 So softly, that the day do seem
 Mwore lik’ a zummer in a dream,
  Than zunsheen in the winter.