Page:Barnes (1879) Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect (combined).djvu/281

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They do zay that a travellèn chap
 Have a-put in the newspeäper now,
That the bit o’ green ground on the knap
 Should be all a-took in vor the plough.
He do fancy ’tis easy to show
 That we can be but stunpolls at best,
Vor to leave a green spot where a flower can grow,
 Or a voot-weary walker mid rest.
’Tis hedge-grubbèn, Thomas, an’ ledge-grubbèn,
   Never a-done
While a sov’rèn mwore’s to be won.

The road, he do zay, is so wide
 As ’tis wanted vor travellers’ wheels,
As if all that did travel did ride
 An’ did never get galls on their heels.
He would leäve sich a thin strip o’ groun’,
 That, if a man’s veet in his shoes
Wer a-burnèn an’ zore, why he coulden zit down
 But the wheels would run over his tooes.
Vor ’tis meäke money, Thomas, an’ teäke money,
   What’s zwold an’ bought
Is all that is worthy o’ thought.

Years agoo the leäne-zides did bear grass,
 Vor to pull wi’ the geeses’ red bills,
That did hiss at the vo’k that did pass,
 Or the bwoys that pick’d up their white quills.
But shortly, if vower or vive
 Ov our goslèns do creep vrom the agg.
They must mwope in the geärden, mwore dead than alive,

 In a coop, or a-tied by the lag.