Page:Barnes (1879) Poems of rural life in the Dorset dialect (combined).djvu/59

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An’ afterwards, when we did zweat
A tweilèn in the zummer het,
An’ when our daily work wer done
Did meet to have our evenèn fun:
Till up above the zettèn zun
The sky wer blushèn in the west,
An’ we laid down in peace to rest,
 An’ sleep did come wi’ the dew.

Ah! zome do turn—but tidden right—
The night to day, an’ day to night;
But we do zee the vu’st red streak
O’ mornèn, when the day do break;
Zoo we don’t grow up peäle an’ weak,
But we do work wi’ health an’ strength,
Vrom mornèn drough the whole day’s length,
 An’ sleep do come wi’ the dew.

An’ when, at last, our e’thly light
Is jist a-drawèn in to night,
We mid be sure that God above,
If we be true when he do prove
Our stedvast faïth an’ thankvul love,
Wull do vor us what mid be best,
An’ teäke us into endless rest,
 As sleep do come wi’ the dew.


When evenèn is a-drawèn in,
I’ll steal vrom others’ naïsy din;
An’ where the whirlèn brook do roll
Below the walnut-tree, I’ll stroll
An’ think o’ thee wi’ all my soul,
Dear Jenny; while the sound o’ bells
Do vlee along wi’ mwoansome zwells,
 Sweet music in the wind!