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Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger


N .Y. TRIBUNE. "Mr. Lockwood's clever book, though modeled, no doubt on Munchhausen's narrative, has a whimsical originality of invention which the first Baron might have envied. it is a question whether the very youthful reader will hilly appreciate all the fun which an older reader finds therein; but it is certain that the book will not be dropped until the last prodigious adventure is absorbed. As a book of fantastic impossibilities, gravely set forth, it is the most attractive devised in many a season."

PUBLIC OPINION. "One of the jolllust and must rollicking stories of the year. It is an old-time children's story, full of marvel, mystery and adventure. The author, Ingersoll Lockwood. has succeeded in writing a capital boy's book that is at once laminating and wholesome, as well as being good literature. The abundant illustrations, drawn by George Wharton Edwards, are admirably executed and form a strong re-enforcement to the interest as well at the beauty of the work."

SACRAMENTO BEE. "A clean. well written, interesting children's book, but its adventures are so wonderful and so quaintly told that many a parent who would buy the book as a Christmas present (or his children would he beguiled into reading it for his own amusement,"

ST. PAUL DISPATCH. "It is a fanciful tale with a healthy tone throughout. Moreover, it is put in an attractive form. the cover being an unique combination of gray. black and brown, while the print is clear and the illustrations very attractive. 'Bulger' Was Little Baron Trump's companion from his birth; the relation of his attachment for his toaster and their adventures among strange peoples and in new countries is very entertaining. The book will be heartily welcomed by both boys and girls, and it is a sale book to place in their hands."

BROOKLYN EAGLE. "A delightfully absurd and sarcastic boy's story is 'Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger.' with equally absurd and wonderful illustrations. It is us remarkable for its powers of absurdity as 'Gulliver's Travels' or 'Alice in Wonderland,' if not no sarcastic as the first, and the illustrations are not merely absurd travesties, but works of art characteristically and in drawing. Bulger is truly a wonderful dog, but no more wonderful than his phenomenally brainy young master and the grant variety preposterous people he hills in with."

CHRISTIAN STANDARD. "One of times strange, whimsical, julesvernish romances which, while they have neither mission nor moral, plot or purpose. are strangely fascinating to children. This quaint and curious volume of never-to-be-forgotten lore is rendered the more attractive by numerous grotesque, giggles—begetting illustrations, by George Wharton Edwards."

HEALTH AND HOME. "This work will delight both young and old. It gives a series of ludicrous adventures of the Little Baron and his famous dog that are not only amusing, but, in many cases, point useful morals. It contains over 300 pages, all of which brim own with genuine humor, and is just the book for boys who are wearing their first pants, or even of larger growth."

MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE. "A romance of wonderland, for old and young. It would be difficult to find a volume of adventures which would surpass Mr. Lockwood's presentations of the wonders of travel, and of the deeds of the valiant heroes who trumpet their bravery and daring after laughable and amusing style."

LEE AND SHEPARD Publishers Boston