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and keeps a branch establishment there, or perhaps Frankfort is his main fighting ground."

"Why, you seem well versed in Stock Exchange biography," said the Professor with surprise.

"As a matter of fact, I am not; but I am familiar with the unobtrusive Isador through the fact that a friend of mine, Jack Hazel, has for some weeks been urging me to join the board of directors of some company that Mr. Isaacstein is promoting."

"Do you mean the Honourable John Hazel?"


"Now, that's an odd coincidence, because he is another member of our club who knows nothing of science."

"You've mistaken in that, Professor. Jack knows the science of bridge, the science of billiards, the science of horse-racing, and is at present endeavouring to learn the science of the Stock Exchange. Jack must be one of the most scientific members your club shelters."

"It was not to promote such science that the club was originally founded; but be that as it may, the Honourable Mr. Hazel is the man I heard speaking so well of you."

"Jack's a good fellow, whose only blemish is a chronic need of money, but I think he would give me a most flattering letter of recommendation if I were ever on the outlook for a job, and I am pleased to hear that Jack spoke in my favour, the more so because I have been compelled to refuse