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nothing could change my friendship for Jack; he's a good fellow."

"That taught me the first part of the information I was to gain, namely, Lord Stranleigh of Wychwood was difficult of access, and a letter of introduction, even from a friend, would be of no assistance. The next lesson showed me why there was such a universal desire for Lord Stranleigh's acquaintance.

"‘You cannot enlist Stranleigh's interest by telling him your million-pound company is going to make a hundred per cent. the first year. He's got so much money already that he doesn't know what to do with it, and would not trouble to cross the street for your added million.'

"‘Lord!' said I to myself, lying there on the sofa, 'this is the sort of man I should like to meet,' and then unconsciously, but very obligingly, your friend Hazel showed how it might be done, and that he knew what he was talking about is proved by the fact that I am sitting here."

"Why, the rogue would sound me from my lowest note to the top of my compass. Am I so transparent, then, that any onlooker can see through me? Proceed, I beg of you."

"I suppose," said the Professor, "that we are all easier seen through than we imagine, and we should therefore content ourselves if the report made by our friends is in our favour, as is the case with you, my lord. The Honourable John Hazel